
AVAILABLE TOPICS - https://uct.ac.za/knowledgeco-op/projects-overview/available-projects

These ideas have been submitted to the UCT Knowledge Co-op; they are available to students at UCT who may choose them for their research topics towards a degree.

They are listed in the following categories:

Project Name

Project Description







Category 1: Education

# 506. Level of intervention to improve school outcomes

How much contact time is needed for underperforming learners to succeed in school? What outcomes can be expected from different levels of support - holiday programme vs after school support vs full-time placement in a functional school?

# 507. Successful school phase transition

National annual assessment show that outcomes of learners receiving support improve in foundation phase, but drop in later phases. What is needed to maintain the improvement throughout all phases of schooling?

# 510. Socio-economics of learners

Sketch the socio-economic reality of high school learners in Langa. 40% of learners are from other townships.

# 512. Psycho-social support by NGOs

Evaluate the need for psychosocial support provided by NGOs in Langa. Consider the need in the community, the current offering by government and the gap (if any) for NGOs to fulfil.

# 576. Youth substance use intervention

Assess the impact of the Icelandic family/school-based 'Planet youth' approach to address youth alcohol abuse in a rural community (George).

# 578. Children's relationship with the ocean

What are the potential longer-term impacts an extra-curricular Environmental Education program in Cape Town, can have on children's knowledge about, behaviour towards and relationship with the ocean? What has to be in place for this to be realised?

# 595. Assess educational support programmes

Evaluate the structure and processes of the after-school or the in-school offering of a primary school-based education support programme. 

# 606.  Emotional learning

How does pscyho social support impact the academic success of learners.

# 607. Mental stability for learning success

Study the importance of mental stability in the classroom; case study of enhancing tools and skill for emotional and social-emotional learning.

# 628. After school interventions for vulnerable children.

What impact does participation in afternoon clubs and holiday clubs have for vulnerable children 4-17 years of age? Consider e.g. educational performance, personal development

# 638. Assessing a children’s environment programme

Evaluate the 'Children's Resource Centre's'  Environment Programme as a children's rights movement, and the value for the members of the movement.

# 639. Impact of a children’s environment programme

Assess the impact of an Environment Programme on the members of the Children's Movement and their surroundings; and the change in their attitudes and behaviour towards nature/the environment. 

# 664. Global citizenship course for schools

Develop a tool for teaching global citizenship principles for grade 9-12 learners as a way to reduce bias (gender, foreigners) and stereotyping. Include a short experiential learning course, pre- and post-test to assess bias, possible interventions, creative methodology.

# 665. Use of gamification to retain at-risk learners

Explore the potential of incorporating gamification (preferably non-tech) in a programme for at-risk secondary school learners in Langa to increase retention and attendance. E.g. a development plan for the learner with playful ‘earning’ of points in order to advance through levels; competition.

# 667. Impact of metacognition-focused lessons

Study of learner’s current learning techniques and the potential positive impact of metacognition-focused lessons on their ability to learn.

# 668. Test to track 2nd language English speakers intellectual and emotional progress

Develop baseline tests in isiXhosa for tracking intellectual and emotional performance of secondary school learners attending English medium schools, but have a different home language. Focus on specifics, e.g. extent of home language vocabulary; compare different quintile schools.

# 670. Parents’ engagement with school learning processes

Examine how family involvement influences youth participation, success in development programmes, and school completion and engagement. Identify reasons for the parents’ poor engagement and recommendations to better address this.

# 676. Literacy interventions impact study

Assess the impact of Nal’ibali literacy interventions on literacy behaviours: training, mentoring, resource distribution, mass media, literacy campaigns. What happens after a participant engages with Nal’ibali?

# 687. Impact of Drowning prevention module

A mixed methods study evaluating the WaterSmart programme currently implemented by Lifesaving South Africa in South African schools.

# 742. Skills of ECD providers

Map the experience, qualifications and resources of persons providing Early Childhood Development (ECD) services in the Far South of the Cape Peninsula. Determine the gaps in terms of skillsets, training, and resources needed to upskill these service providers.

# 782. Transition from ECD to primary schools

Assessing the transition pathway of children from Masicorp Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres to Primary Schools with English as the medium of instruction. To determine the need and success of teaching in English

# 799. Bursary program effectiveness in different regions

Investigate the effectiveness of bursary programs in different regions of South Africa, considering factors such as rural vs. urban areas, cultural diversity, and economic disparities.

# 800. Equity and inclusion in bursary allocation

Examine how high school bursary providers address issues of equity and inclusion in their allocation processes, focusing on strategies to reach marginalized and underrepresented communities.

# 805. Enhance STEM education

Investigate and propose effective strategies that can be employed to sustain and enhance the interest of adolescent girls’ interest in STEM education.

# 806. Enrolment & throughput rates of females in engineering

Examine and understand the multifaceted reasons behind the underrepresentation of females in the field of engineering, both in terms of enrolment and graduate rates.

#850. Establishing an Education Centre in Masi

Research possible partnerships and collaborations with interested parties for programme delivery on site. Masicorp is about to establish a new centre, offering opportunities through educational support programmes to meet the needs of the community. The focus area is High School youth and young adults.


# 853. Physical Activity, Life skills and Nutrition
Programme (PAL) Impact on Well-being

Explore how PAL affects physical and mental well-being in children and youth. Focus on key health indicators, emotional well-being, fitness, attitudes toward substances, and future prospects of participants.

# 855. ECD Program and School Readiness

Examine the correlation between children's participation in the Early Childhood Development (ECD) program and their school readiness. Analyse cognitive, social, and emotional indicators for a comprehensive assessment.

# 857. Teaching At The
Right Level (TARL) Program for Grades 3-5

Investigate the effectiveness of the TARL program in improving math and literacy skills among children in grades 3-5.

# 858. Staff Coaching and Program Efficiency

Analyse the impact of staff coaching on the efficiency and management of Project Playground's programs.

# 898. Bridging Learning Gaps

To explore effective strategies in bridging learning gaps examining best practices of academic after-school programmes and government-NGO partnerships to support holistic development of learners from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.

# 899. Enhancing impact documentation in after-school programmes

Strategies for NGOs to strengthen collaboration with the Department of Basic Education and attract greater support

# 900. Volunteer Programme Development

Develop a framework that NGOs can use to develop volunteer programmes that prioritize both community service and volunteer skill enhancement.

# 901. Parental Engagement in Education

Exploring the interplay between socioeconomic status and parental involvement in education identifying barriers and informing workplace and school policy recommendations for enhanced engagement in South African schools.

# 902. Supporting Transitions to FET Colleges

To explore the issues faced by learners who transition from mainstream education to Further Education and Training (FET) colleges at a grade 10-12. Interrogate a structured intervention framework aiming to bridge the transition between the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) to better support these students and reduce the "Not in Education, Employment, or Training" (NEET) category.

# 903. Equitable Education Solutions

Research on how Government-philanthropic partnerships in South Africa can play a powerful role in addressing the needs of marginalized learners through actively involving communities and local stakeholders. Through a collaborative approach that focuses on equity, technology, climate resilience, and community empowerment, for such partnerships to create sustainable, impactful solutions.

# 905. Evaluating the Impact of Skills Development Programmes on NEET Youth Employment Outcomes

Assess how participation in skills development initiatives influences employment rates and job retention among NEET youth.

# 906. Life Skills Training as a Catalyst for Personal Development among Youth

Assess the effectiveness of life skills training in fostering self-efficacy and resilience in NEET youth.

# 909. Improving Attendance and Retention in School and After-School Programmes

Explore strategies to motivate learner attendance in both school and after-school programmes. Identify key barriers (e.g., socio-economic factors, transportation issues, and lack of engagement) and provide recommendations to address them.

# 923. Barriers to Education for Refugee Children

An in-depth analysis of the challenges refugee children face in accessing formal education and the potential interventions to improve enrollment and retention rates

# 932. Educational Outcomes from SEED's Environmental Education

Exploring how the SEED Outdoor Classroom Program (and experiential learning) can complement the traditional school curriculum.

Category 2: Community Development/Social Development




# 163.1 Substance use rehabilitation

Follow-up evaluation of the impact of an out-patient substance abuse programme on client lives one to three years after exiting the programme.


# 534. Resistance to Homeless shelters as a viable solution

To explore and understand the resistance surrounding the establishment and operation of homeless shelters as a solution to homelessness. Despite the critical need for safe and supportive environments for individuals experiencing homelessness, various factors contribute to community opposition to shelters.


# 538.1 Defining regenerative culture

What role does art and music, ritual and ceremony, story and mythology, and education and awareness play in shaping cultural norms? How to use this insight to shift unsustainable cultural practices towards ones that can regenerate the ecosystems they inhabit and support the wellbeing of present and future generations?


# 551. Responsible giving to the homeless

Study of the “Give responsible” campaign. Giving to those begging vs supporting NPOs working toward them changing their lives: What is the solution and how best get public buy-in into that?


# 600. Social service needs in the South Peninsula

Compile an overview of the social services in the 'Deep South' area; detail groups addressing these needs; identify gaps re currently unmet needs.  Focus on Education and/or Mental health and/or Employability programmes.


# 601. Socio-politics of ‘factory farming’

Document socio-political implications of ‘factory farming’. Consider aspects like Control over food supply & its impact on SA land reform targets; OR Energy consumption of the animal agriculture sector


#603. Environmental impacts of ‘factory farming’

Document the environmental impacts of ‘factory farming’ on e.g. climate change, water pollution or loss of biodiversity; or effects conversion of plant calories and proteins.


# 605. Assess counselling for parents

Evaluate a short-term counselling service on parenting challenges. The focus is on care-givers; occasionally teenage children are included.


# 629. Impact of spiritual guidance in training

Determine the impacts of including spiritual guidance in the training of farm students. Possible outcomes: finding purpose and direction for their lives, realising that farming is dependent on a Creator.


# 637.  Social justice for the homeless

Investigate the effect of lacking social justice in responses to the homeless population. Consider issues like policing, housing, substance use, employment or health. A punitive policing approach ‘recycles’ homeless persons through the justice system. What is it really fixing? What alternatives are there?


# 642. Assess the needs of refugees

Conduct a needs assessment for female refugees and asylum seekers receiving (food) support from an agency. What other services do the need?


# 645. Assess a skills development programme

Assess the skills taught in a skills development programme: how useful are they in enabling participants to find work / raise an income.


# 648.“Financially smart kids”

Conduct a longitudinal study of the impact of the “Financially smart kids” groups over time (age 10 years to matric) i.t.o. saving pocket money, budgeting for its use, saving toward post-school aims.


# 649. Micro-finance for rural communities

Case study of micro-finance model for vulnerable community groups to assess its potential for their ability to build mutually beneficial relationships with financial institutions, access and use finance to uplift themselves. 


# 665. Use of gamification to retain at-risk learners

Explore the potential of incorporating gamification (preferably non-tech) in a programme for at-risk secondary school learners in Langa to increase retention and attendance. E.g. a development plan for the learner with playful ‘earning’ of points in order to advance through levels; competition.


# 667. Impact of metacognition-focused lessons

Study of learner’s current learning techniques and the potential positive impact of metacognition-focused lessons on their ability to learn.


# 685. The community impact of Underdog’s programme

Determine any impact of the Humane dog handling training offered to children on the wider communities where beneficiaries live (families, informal settlements and a primary school in Hout Bay).


# 697. Involvement in communal food gardens

How to motivate secondary school learners in informal settlements to get involved in communal food gardens. Consider the context in Imizamo Yethu, Hout Bay and good practice examples in the literature.


# 714. Nutrition choices and dietary support for social pensioners

What choices do pensioners make regarding food purchases with their limited budget? What would motivate them to make choices for meals that are more nourishing? Consider cultural differences between Woodstock and Khayelitsha.




# 726. Need for a drop-in centre for the homeless

Conduct a needs assessment for services to be offered by a drop-in centre (DIC) for homeless clients in the Cape Town CBD. Which services would be beneficial to the clients and why? Identify gaps in the current DIC model. Gauge views of business owners in the CBD and their potential support for a DIC.


# 728. Homelessness and Mental Health in Urban South Africa

Explore the intersection of homelessness and mental health disorders in Cape Town’s inner city. How do public policies, NGOs, and health services address these challenges?


# 729. Placement for Social Work students

Placement for Social Work students.


# 734. Do safe sleeping spaces work?

Does the safe sleeping space model in Cape Town as currently designed actually help people to leave the streets long term? Contrast existing "safe spaces" with those who continue living on the street.





# 736. A reliable count of the number of street-based homeless people

Based on international best practice on how to count homeless people, develop an approach to do so in Cape Town. (Numbers for homelessness range from 6,000 to 14,000.)


# 745. Skills development for jobs

The Impact of the Mobile Career Café on increased employability and job readiness of youth in underserved areas (rural and semi-rural)


# 747. Impact of community kitchens on sustainable self-reliance

Evaluate the impact of the Cooking Mammas Programme in the Masiphumelele area, Cape Peninsula. What is the impact of the programme on the lives of the women managing the community kitchens?


# 761.  Decolonisation of Counselling Support Services

Explore a decolonised approach to supporting survivors of GBV who access a psycho-social support programme. Identify the languages that should be used to inform culturally diverse clients who access counselling support services especially originating from the Cape Flats townships. 


# 762.  Women accessing shelter services

Understanding women from peri-urban and rural contexts of the Western Cape and how they access MOSAIC shelter services located in Atlantis and Worcester. What are the barriers to accessing services? What are the contextual conditions that makes these women not report and/or help seek and use services that are easily accessible to them to change their situations?





# 809. Collaboration Barriers Among Non-Profit Organisations

What are the primary barriers that hinder collaboration between different non-profit organisations operating within the same sector of urban greening and sustainability, and how can these obstacles be overcome to foster more effective cooperation and synergy?


# 819. Transforming the GBV narrative

Strategies for actively engaging men in community restoration and hope building.


# 820. Housing solutions for homelessness in SA

Explore the different housing models solutions available in SA, especially for the homeless and rehabilitated beneficiaries who do not earn market related salaries.  The study to include how mental health and social classes exists within any housing model.  i.e., shelters with beneficiaries at different mental health/social levels. To include the negative/ positive impact it has on beneficiaries staying in a shelter. 


# 821. Impact of MOSAIC interventions

Exploring the impact of MOSAIC interventions on domestic and intimate partner violence: A comparative analysis in South Africa and other African countries.


# 822. Advocacy strategies for GBV

Advocacy strategies in addressing gender-based violence: a case study of MOSAIC programmes and policy influence in South Africa.


# 823. Critical assessment

Policy frameworks and implementation challenges: a critical assessment of MOSAIC's role in shaping GBV policies in South Africa.


# 824. Assessing cultural relevance

Community perceptions of MOSAIC: Assessing the efficacy and cultural relevance of interventions in combatting domestic violence in South Africa and beyond.


# 825. Intersectionality in GBV

Examining MOSAIC's approach to addressing diverse forms of violence in South Africa.


# 826. Impact of MOSAIC programmes

Long-term impact of MOSAIC Programmes on breaking the cycle of intergenerational gender-based violence: a prospective study in South Africa.


# 827. Technology to support GBV

The role of technology in MOSAIC's ecosystem: enhancing advocacy and support for victims of GBV in Africa.


# 829. Cultural dynamics

Influence of cultural dynamics on MOSAIC's effectiveness: a case study of GBV interventions tailored to diverse African societies.


# 833. Transforming the GBV narrative

Strategies for actively engaging men in community restoration and hope building.


# 835. A twenty-year critical evaluation

Conduct a critical analysis spanning two decades to assess the sustained impact of Ikamva Youth. To provide insights into the long-term effectiveness and evolution of the organisation's programmes. 


# 837. Effective communication in afterschool programmes

Examine the role and impact of external communication strategies on the success of Ikamva Youth's afterschool programs. To identify communication practices that contribute to programme effectiveness and community engagement.





# 843. Breaking menstrual stigma and gender norms

Studying how stigma and gender norms influence social support and attitudes towards menstruation.




#850. Establishing an Education Centre in Masi 

Research possible partnerships and collaborations with interested parties for programme delivery on site. Masicorp is about to establish a new centre, offering opportunities through educational support programmes to meet the needs of the community. The focus area is High School youth and young adults 


# 855. ECD Program and School Readiness

Examine the correlation between children's participation in the Early Childhood Development (ECD) program and their school readiness. Analyse cognitive, social, and emotional indicators for a comprehensive assessment.


# 881. Gaps in Social Service Delivery

To analyse the gaps in social service delivery, with a focus on job training, housing support, and addiction services in the Cape Town CBD, and to assess how the underfunding of social programs affects the capacity to address the root causes of homelessness, addiction, and poverty.


# 894. History and Impact of Recreational Facilities in Langa and Gugulethu

To explore the historical significance of community recreational facilities in Langa and Gugulethu, focusing on their role as hubs of arts, culture, and sports activities before the democratic dispensation of 1994 in South Africa. The research will document how these facilities fostered community development, social cohesion, and the emergence of national icons. It will investigate the decline in their usage and current relevance, identifying factors that contributed to the changes and exploring ways to restore their impact on community life.


# 895. Reimagining Community Spaces for Social Cohesion and Moral Regeneration

To examine the contribution of community recreational facilities in fostering social cohesion and strengthening the moral fabric of black communities in Langa and Gugulethu. It will analyse how these spaces historically united diverse groups through shared activities and explore their potential for addressing contemporary social divides. The project aims to provide recommendations for leveraging these facilities to promote community education and problem-solving, with a focus on youth engagement and moral regeneration.


# 896. A Comparative Study of Recreational Facilities in Langa and Gugulethu

This research will compare two selected recreational facilities—one in Langa and one in Gugulethu—to understand their historical and current roles in community life. It will explore the facilities' impact on arts, culture, and sports activities, their contribution to social cohesion, and the challenges they face today. HERP will facilitate community connections, ensuring meaningful engagement with local participants, while the findings will inform educational programs aimed at bridging community divides and preserving heritage.


# 899. Enhancing impact documentation in after-school programmes

Strategies for NGOs to strengthen collaboration with the Department of Basic Education and attract greater support


# 900. Volunteer Programme Development

Develop a framework that NGOs can use to develop volunteer programmes that prioritize both community service and volunteer skill enhancement.


# 901. Parental Engagement in Education

Exploring the interplay between socioeconomic status and parental involvement in education identifying barriers and informing workplace and school policy recommendations for enhanced engagement in South African schools.


# 903. Equitable Education Solutions

Research on how Government-philanthropic partnerships in South Africa can play a powerful role in addressing the needs of marginalized learners through actively involving communities and local stakeholders. Through a collaborative approach that focuses on equity, technology, climate resilience, and community empowerment, foor such partnerships to create sustainable, impactful solutions.


# 905. Evaluating the Impact of Skills Development Programmes on NEET Youth Employment Outcomes

Assess how participation in skills development initiatives influences employment rates and job retention among NEET youth.


# 906. Life Skills Training as a Catalyst for Personal Development among Youth

Assess the effectiveness of life skills training in fostering self-efficacy and resilience in NEET youth.


# 907. Strategic Focus Areas for Non-Profits Transitioning to Social Enterprises

Investigate the key steps and strategic areas  that non-profits should focus on to become sustainable social enterprises. Analyze the challenges and opportunities during the transition.


# 909. Improving Attendance and Retention in School and After-School Programmes

Explore strategies to motivate learner attendance in both school and after-school programmes. Identify key barriers (e.g., socio-economic factors, transportation issues, and lack of engagement) and provide recommendations to address them.


# 911. Barriers to Community Participation in Youth development work and  Non-Profit Organisation's initiatives

Research strategies to increase community involvement and support for youth programmes and NPO initiatives. Investigate barriers to community engagement and propose solutions to overcome these challenges. 


# 913. Resistance to Change in Substance Abuse Recovery Programs

To explore the psychological and social factors contributing to resistance in substance abuse recovery, specifically in the precontemplation and contemplation stages. The study to draw from the MES Change Readiness programme, investigating how motivational techniques influence recovery.


# 914. Relationships in Substance Abuse Relapse

To explore how intimate and familial relationships contribute to relapse in individuals recovering from substance abuse. The study could involve interviews with MES clients, analysing the dynamics of relationships where one partner is in recovery while the other isn't or both in recovery and how that impact both individuals.


# 915. Understanding Family Resilience in Marginalized Communities

To explore the factors contributing to family resilience in marginalized communities facing social and economic adversity, identifying protective factors that enhance resilience. It could also evaluate the role of community resources and support services in strengthening family resilience and provide recommendations for developing targeted tailoring of interventions.


# 916. Empowering Youth for Positive Futures

Developing an After-School Programme for Cape Town Learners: This project aims to design an after-school empowerment programme tailored to the unique challenges faced by learners in Cape Town, a region significantly affected by gangsterism and social instability. Drawing insights from the Johannesburg MES model, the initiative will adapt its framework to the Cape Town context, focusing on strategies that inspire and equip youth to make positive life choices. By fostering a sense of belonging, resilience, and purpose, the programme seeks to reduce the influence of negative societal factors and promote pathways to a brighter future for young people.


# 921. Mental Health Support for Refugees

A qualitative study exploring the mental health challenges faced by refugees and the availability and effectiveness of mental health support services


# 924. The Impact of Reproductive Health and Period Poverty

To assess the impact of reproductive health challenges and access to sanitary products on disadvantaged girl learners. To investigate various menstrual products and their potential effects on the reproductive system, shedding light on health risks and concerns. To also analyse the prevalence of period poverty and its correlation with school absenteeism and dropout rates, exploring the broader economic and social injustices tied to this issue.


# 927. Documenting the History of NOAH

To provide a comprehensive history of NOAH (Neighbourhood Old Age Homes) origins, development, and evolution of the organisation, covering key milestones. The narrative will highlight NOAH’s adaptation to contemporary challenges and its impact on communities, providing a historical framework for understanding the organisation’s journey.


# 930. A community manual for managing engagement on liquor license applications

To develop a tool for communities to use in civic organising that empowers communities to have a say in the issuing, review and managing of alcohol licenses in Observatory and managing noise complaints. The student would do a needs assessment, identify resources and databases, interview key informants and come up with a small manual toolkit that empowers community organisations to respond appropriately.


# 936. NGO Strategy Metrics Development

How can environmental NGOs effectively measure their progress towards achieving long-term visions? Can these impacts be accurately evaluated in the context of multiple stakeholders working towards similar goals?


# 937.Building Capacity in Young People and Creating Ocean Ambassadors

Through an immersive after-school environmental programme offered by the SOSF Shark Education Centre, what environmental knowledge do high school learners gain, and do they share these insights, including calls to action, with their families and communities? This project will examine the Marine Explorers Programme, which teaches snorkelling skills over a period of approximately 12–15 weeks (weather-dependent) with around 12 participants per year, expected to increase in future.


# 938. Assessing the Impact of Free Environmental Education Resources Distributed by NGOs

The study aims to align resource impacts with NGO goals and provide actionable insights to increase their effectiveness in fostering environmental awareness and behaviour change among learners. It focuses on physical educational resources distributed to young people.


# 939. Stories from the Deep: The Impact of Shark Centre Programmes on Participants

This project is to document the experiences of participants in SOSF Shark Education Centre programmes, capturing their personal stories on film to showcase the transformative impact of these environmental education initiatives. Through interviews and visual storytelling, the project aims to highlight the skills, knowledge, and environmental awareness gained by beneficiaries, providing insight into how the SOSF Shark Education Centre's work fosters a connection to marine conservation and empowers participants to become advocates for ocean health.


# 946. Co-imagining Peace: A Critical Review of the Peace Centre’s Role in Building Safer Schools and Cohesive Communities

This study critically examines the Peace Centre’s ongoing initiatives aimed at fostering safer learning environments, reducing school violence, and promoting social cohesion within South African communities.


# 947. Reigniting Youth Voices: Revitalizing Political Engagement in Post-Democratic Societies

This research investigates the diminishing socio-political voice of youth since the advent of democracy and explores strategies to rekindle their involvement.


# 948. The Role of Community Food Gardens in Promoting Food Security and Social Cohesion: A Pathway to Peace

This research will explore the impact of community food gardens on food security, with a focus on how they contribute to building peace and social cohesion in under-resourced communities. It will examine how these gardens not only provide a sustainable source of food but also serve as spaces for community engagement, empowerment, and collective action.


Category 3: Economics / Commerce


# 510. Socio-economics of learners

Sketch the socio-economic reality of high school learners in Langa. 40% of learners are from other townships.


#528.Cost of ‘factory farming’ eggs

Assess the environmental impact of commercial/ industrial egg production in South Africa and its cost. Identify costs & who bears them; consider the amount of electricity used and relate to carbon footprint.


# 573. Opportunities and challenges of informal trading / micro-enterprises for income

What proportion of the unemployed in Cape Town who have tried informal work? Why did they stop? What barriers are there to making it more profitable? What type is considered appealing or not? 


#603.Environmental impacts of ‘factory farming’

Document the environmental impacts of ‘factory farming’ on e.g. climate change, water pollution or loss of biodiversity; or effects conversion of plant calories and proteins.


# 637. Social justice for the homeless

Investigate the effect of lacking social justice in responses to the homeless population. Consider issues like policing, housing, substance use, employment or health


# 648. “Financially smart kids”

Conduct a longitudinal study of the impact of the “Financially smart kids” groups over time (age 10 years to matric) i.t.o. saving pocket money, budgeting for its use, saving toward post-school aims.


# 649. Micro-finance for rural communities

Case study of micro-finance model for vulnerable community groups to assess its potential for their ability to build mutually beneficial relationships with financial institutions, access and use finance to uplift themselves. 


# 650. Impact of Savings Group

Document the development of Savings Groups into  Financial Resource Centres offering holistic support and advice in rural communities. Consider Photo Voice to observe/monitor impact and development of the FRCs.


# 666. Impact of educational outcomes on earning potential

Quantify the impact metrics of selected educational outcomes of a secondary school-based Youth development programme on the economic potential of its beneficiaries.


# 673. Perceived value of Shark Spotters programme to beach-goers

Explore public perceptions of the value of the Shark Spotters programme and its activities to its beneficiaries, including monetary (willingness-to-pay) and non-monetary (cognitive attachment and connectedness to program and its objectives)


# 695. Economics of exporting live farmed animals

Cost-benefit analysis of the expanding trade in the live export of farmed animals for slaughter: benefits to the SA economy vs loss of local jobs and investment in domestic beneficiation chains


# 700. What vegetables to grow?

Consider input costs and efforts vs yield as well as the nutritional value of produce to develop a list of ideal vegetables to grow in communal food gardens in Hout Bay.


# 790. Impact of socioeconomic factors on entrepreneurial success

Investigate how socioeconomic factors such as race, gender, education, and access to resources influence the success and growth of entrepreneurs in South Africa. This research could shed light on disparities and provide insights into promoting inclusive entrepreneurship.


# 791. Informal sector entrepreneurship

Explore the dynamics of informal sector entrepreneurship in South Africa, considering its contribution to the economy, challenges faced, and potential avenues for formalization and growth.


# 792. Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing

Investigate the growth of social entrepreneurship and impact investing in South Africa, analyzing how these models contribute to addressing social and environmental challenges while generating financial returns.


# 793. Cultural and traditional entrepreneurship

Investigate the role of cultural heritage and traditional practices in shaping entrepreneurial activities in South Africa and explore how these factors can be leveraged for economic development.


# 794. Fostering an ecosystem for high-growth businesses in South Africa

Explore the strategies required to transform South Africa into a hub for high-growth businesses and create a viable, sustainable ecosystem for the birth of unicorn companies.


# 795. Role of incubators and accelerators

Investigate the effectiveness of incubators and accelerators in South Africa in nurturing startups. Assess their impact on business growth, innovation, and sustainability, and identify best practices for maximizing their value.


# 796. University-industry collaboration (student entrepreneurship)

Explore the extent of collaboration between universities and industries in South Africa's entrepreneurship ecosystem. Examine how academic institutions contribute to startup creation, innovation, and knowledge transfer.


# 797. Entrepreneurial education and training

Evaluate the effectiveness of entrepreneurial education and training programs in South Africa. Examine how these programs equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the necessary skills and knowledge.


 # 801. Unraveling the factors driving high growth businesses in South Africa

Conduct a Comprehensive Analysis that delves into the intricate dynamics that underpin the success of high-growth businesses, identify key contributing factors, and assess their implications for the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem.


# 815. Understanding pay points for Langa consumers

Pricing is complex in low-income markets. A local NPC would like to understand what pricing models will be optimal for textile products, coffee, and business support services in the Langa community.


# 816. Advancement of entrepreneurship in Langa community

Anecdotal evidence shows that in comparison to other townships, Langa businesses have not received support. The study to provide a better understanding of what type of business support is relevant for these entrepreneurs and to unpack their operational challenges.


# 851. Shark bites in Plettenberg Bay

Measure the economic and social impact of two fatal shark bites in 2022 to understand the negative effects and support shark safety programs.


#852. Media portrayal of sharks in South Africa

Analyse how sharks and shark bites are shown in local and national news, considering changes over time, especially during conflicts. Learn how this affects policy and suggest ways to improve public understanding and perception of sharks in the media.


# 858. Staff Coaching and Program Efficiency

Analyse the impact of staff coaching on the efficiency and management of Project Playground's programs.


# 878. Enhancing Alumni Engagement in Professional Networks

To explore the best ways to improve alumni engagement in professional networks and examines how these efforts boost alumni satisfaction and strengthen long-term connections with the organisation.


# 882. Children as Agents of Change

To explore the history and influence of the Children’s Movement, examining its impact on both past and present members across South Africa, with a focus on specific provinces such as the Western Cape. To highlight the role of children as agents of change, their sense of agency, and how the movement’s model has contributed to fostering positive parenting practices. By evaluating the long-term effects of participation, the project will provide insights into the transformative power of youth-driven initiatives in building stronger communities.


# 883. Legacy of the Girl Child Movement

This project delves into the history of the Girl Child Movement and its enduring impact on participants who became mothers. It will assess how involvement in the movement shaped their approaches to motherhood, leadership, and community engagement, emphasizing the movement’s role in fostering empowerment and resilience among young girls.


# 884. Legacy of Child-to-Child Health Programme

To examine the history and long-term impact of the Child-to-Child Health Programme, which emphasized personal grooming practices such as nail cutting and hygiene, respect, self-worth, solidary, love and care. The study to explore the long-term impact among participants and assess the programme’s influence on long-term health outcomes and community well-being.


# 898. Bridging Learning Gaps

To explore effective strategies in bridging learning gaps examining best practices of academic after-school programmes and government-NGO partnerships to support holistic development of learners from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.


# 903. Equitable Education Solutions

Research on how Government-philanthropic partnerships in South Africa can play a powerful role in addressing the needs of marginalized learners through actively involving communities and local stakeholders. Through a collaborative approach that focuses on equity, technology, climate resilience, and community empowerment, for such partnerships to create sustainable, impactful solutions.


# 905. Evaluating the Impact of Skills Development Programmes on NEET Youth Employment Outcomes

Assess how participation in skills development initiatives influences employment rates and job retention among NEET youth.


# 906. Life Skills Training as a Catalyst for Personal Development among Youth

Assess the effectiveness of life skills training in fostering self-efficacy and resilience in NEET youth.


# 908. Critical Success Factors for Township Businesses

Identify and analyze the essential elements  that contribute to the success of businesses operating within townships. Assess how these factors mitigate common challenges like limited infrastructure and funding.


# 910. Assessing Team Motivation, Performance, and Retention at Just Grace

Conduct a comprehensive study on the factors that influence motivation and retention within the Just Grace team. Investigate areas such as leadership, work culture, rewards, mental health support, and career growth opportunities to develop actionable strategies for improvement.


# 911. Barriers to Community Participation in Youth development work and  Non-Profit Organisation's initiatives

Research strategies to increase community involvement and support for youth programmes and NPO initiatives. Investigate barriers to community engagement and propose solutions to overcome these challenges. 


# 922. Digital Literacy for Refugee Youth

Assessing the impact of digital literacy training on refugee youth and how it enhances their integration and employment opportunities.


# 930. A community manual for managing engagement on liquor license applications

To develop a tool for communities to use in civic organising that empowers communities to have a say in the issuing, review and managing of alcohol licenses in Observatory and managing noise complaints. The student would do a needs assessment, identify resources and databases, interview key informants and come up with a small manual toolkit that empowers community organisations to respond appropriately.


# 931. Developing capacity across a diverse ward to manage Land Use and Development applications for Observatory, Salt River, Woodstock and Walmer Estate

The suburbs of Observatory, Salt River, Woodstock and Walmer Estate are areas with rich heritage resources and many environmental challenges. Currently, the civics in the areas rely on overworked volunteers to respond to requests for input on local development applications, many of which impact adversely on the history, heritage and character of these suburbs. The student will work with civics across the ward to develop a common platform for managing development applications efficiently and maximising local resident skills and interest to ensure building and development applications are managed consistent with the heritage of the areas, local needs and environmental conservation.


# 936. NGO Strategy Metrics Development

How can environmental NGOs effectively measure their progress towards achieving long-term visions? Can these impacts be accurately evaluated in the context of multiple stakeholders working towards similar goals?


# 953. The Impact of BEE Compliance on Non-Profit Organisations

Examine how the threshold (R55 million revenue) for mandatory BEE compliance affects large NPOs. Does this threshold represent a fair dividing line between smaller and larger organisations? How does compliance affect their financial sustainability?


# 954. Regulatory Burden on NPOs

Explore whether there are alternative frameworks or exemptions that could alleviate the burden on NPOs, allowing them to focus more on social justice initiatives without compromising on BEE objectives.


# 955. Preventing Homelessness in Cape Town: Pathways, Challenges, and Solutions

This project investigates the primary pathways into homelessness in Cape Town, analysing factors such as release from prison and identifying gaps in support systems.


# 957.Responsible giving

What motivates persons to donate towards homelessness. How can we get more people to give responsibly towards homelessness? [could be a compare / contrast of two current models – Give Responsibly Campaign (CoCT) and MiChange vouchers (UTurn) – individual connection


# 962. Tourism vs. Urban Development

To evaluate the economic impact of tourism at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens compared to the potential revenue if the property had been developed as high-density residential or office buildings. This analysis will offer valuable insights into the long-term economic and social benefits of developing Oude Molen as a landmark destination for public use and profitability, providing critical data to support its future preservation and sustainability.


Category 4: Orphans/ (vulnerable) children/ parenting


# 161.2 Evaluate "First 1000 Days" programme

Assess the First 1000 days programme run by Living Hope” – measure the impact of the programme via health outcomes of the babies of participating mothers.


# 364.1. Training for behaviour change

Randomised control longitudinal study to measure the impact of training programme & sustainability of behaviour change of teenage parents.       


#365. Training tool for foster moms

Develop a training tool for (new) foster mothers. Especially consider the best way to work with troubled children.


# 459. TB in families

Sketch the social impact of TB-infected mothers (esp DRTB) on families, children.


# 467.1. Assess programme to enhance mother-infant relationships

Study the impact of a Home Visitation programme on mother-infant relationships within the first 1000 days. Consider the antenatal support, grief and loss support or post-natal support offered.


# 532. Dynamics of the placement of homeless children

To explore the challenges in placement of children and the importance of community-based programmes for them.


# 576. Youth substance use intervention

Assess the impact of the Icelandic family/school-based Planet youth' approach to address youth alcohol abuse in a rural community (George).


# 605. Assess counselling for parents

Evaluate a short-term counselling service on parenting challenges. The focus is on care-givers; occasionally teenage children are included.


# 627. Early intervention for boys using substances

Evaluate the impact of an Early intervention on the use of substances for vulnerable children. The programme was piloted in 2019  Its focus is on 9-11-year-old boys who tested positive to  drugs at some stage but not yet addicted, and their parents and school. The study could work with the parents or caregivers.  


# 643. Refugee Orphans' needs and coping

A qualitative study of refugee orphans: what are their coping mechanisms, what support do they need?


# 670. Parents’ engagement with school learning processes

Examine how family involvement influences youth participation, success in development programmes, and school completion and engagement. Identify reasons for the parents’ poor engagement and recommendations to better address this.


# 680. Training for parenting behaviour change

Measure impact of the Positive Parenting Skills Training Programme on the parenting behaviour of participants. Include the voices of children regarding resulting changes they observe in their parents’ parenting style. Randomised Control Trial study.


# 685. The community impact of Underdog’s programme

Determine any impact of the Humane dog handling training offered to children on the wider communities where beneficiaries live (families, informal settlements and a primary school in Hout Bay).


# 686. Connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence

Explore the connections between the experience of cruelty to animals and developing violent interpersonal behaviour; and conversely learning humane dog handling and development of non-violent behaviour. Case study of Underdog’s dog handling programme.


# 705. Child protection awareness campaigns

Develop (and possibly assist executing) content for a child protection awareness campaign in schools or other community settings.


# 727. Protection of youth exploited to beg for an income

Youth are often exploited by their parents or adults to source an income by begging. How can this be addressed? What protection is there for these youth?


# 853. Physical Activity, Life skills and Nutrition
Programme (PAL) Impact on Well-being

Explore how PAL affects physical and mental well-being in children and youth. Focus on key health indicators, emotional well-being, fitness, attitudes toward substances, and future prospects of participants.


# 854. Inclusivity in Play on Wheels

Investigate inclusivity and engagement levels of individuals with severe to profound disabilities in the Play on Wheels program. Examine benefits, impact on family/caregiver relationships, and the overall experience for participants.


# 882. Children as Agents of Change

To explore the history and influence of the Children’s Movement, examining its impact on both past and present members across South Africa, with a focus on specific provinces such as the Western Cape. To highlight the role of children as agents of change, their sense of agency, and how the movement’s model has contributed to fostering positive parenting practices. By evaluating the long-term effects of participation, the project will provide insights into the transformative power of youth-driven initiatives in building stronger communities.


# 883. Legacy of the Girl Child Movement

This project delves into the history of the Girl Child Movement and its enduring impact on participants who became mothers. It will assess how involvement in the movement shaped their approaches to motherhood, leadership, and community engagement, emphasizing the movement’s role in fostering empowerment and resilience among young girls.


# 884. Legacy of Child-to-Child Health Programme

To examine the history and long-term impact of the Child-to-Child Health Programme, which emphasized personal grooming practices such as nail cutting and hygiene, respect, self-worth, solidary, love and care. The study to explore the long-term impact among participants and assess the programme’s influence on long-term health outcomes and community well-being.


# 923. Barriers to Education for Refugee Children

An in-depth analysis of the challenges refugee children face in accessing formal education and the potential interventions to improve enrollment and retention rates


# 937. Building Capacity in Young People and Creating Ocean Ambassadors

Through an immersive after-school environmental programme offered by the SOSF Shark Education Centre, what environmental knowledge do high school learners gain, and do they share these insights, including calls to action, with their families and communities? This project will examine the Marine Explorers Programme, which teaches snorkelling skills over a period of approximately 12–15 weeks (weather-dependent) with around 12 participants per year, expected to increase in future.


# 938. Assessing the Impact of Free Environmental Education Resources Distributed by NGOs

The study aims to align resource impacts with NGO goals and provide actionable insights to increase their effectiveness in fostering environmental awareness and behaviour change among learners. It focuses on physical educational resources distributed to young people.


# 939. Stories from the Deep: The Impact of Shark Centre Programmes on Participants

This project is to document the experiences of participants in SOSF Shark Education Centre programmes, capturing their personal stories on film to showcase the transformative impact of these environmental education initiatives. Through interviews and visual storytelling, the project aims to highlight the skills, knowledge, and environmental awareness gained by beneficiaries, providing insight into how the SOSF Shark Education Centre's work fosters a connection to marine conservation and empowers participants to become advocates for ocean health.


# 941. Long-Term Impact of Family Strengthening Interventions

To conduct longitudinal assessments of family strengthening interventions, particularly focusing on Fatherhood and Positive Parenting training programmes.


# 942. Exploring Co-Parenting Dynamics

To examine the complex dynamics of co-parenting, particularly in the context of post-COVID trauma and rising conflict among separated or divorced parents.


# 943. Intergenerational Links in Parenting

To investigate how trauma and community environments shape patterns of discipline and gender-based violence (GBV) in parenting practices.


# 944. Father Wound and Its Impact

To explore the "father wound," focusing on the disparity between the idealised image of fathers and the reality of father absence.


# 946. Co-imagining Peace: A Critical Review of the Peace Centre’s Role in Building Safer Schools and Cohesive Communities

This study critically examines the Peace Centre’s ongoing initiatives aimed at fostering safer learning environments, reducing school violence, and promoting social cohesion within South African communities.


# 947. Reigniting Youth Voices: Revitalizing Political Engagement in Post-Democratic Societies

This research investigates the diminishing socio-political voice of youth since the advent of democracy and explores strategies to rekindle their involvement.


Category 5: Health / Public health


# 163.1 Substance use rehabilitation

Follow-up evaluation of the impact of an out-patient substance abuse programme on client lives one to three years after exiting the programme.


# 459. TB in families

Sketch the social impact of TB-infected mothers (esp DRTB) on families, children.


# 489. Evaluate health awareness campaign

Evaluate a key health awareness campaign, project or CANSA services through a  Survey/ focus groups/ open to how the student would proceed with an evaluation. 


# 498. Placement for OT students

Placement for Occupational Therapy students in a programme supporting homeless persons.


# 504. Role of Nutrition in schooling

Conduct a literature review on evidence that providing food to children in Primary school supports their learning. What difference does it make to teaching experience and academic development? What foods are most important to include?


#528.Cost of ‘factory farming’ eggs

Assess the environmental impact of commercial/ industrial egg production in South Africa and its cost. Identify costs & who bears them; consider the amount of electricity used and relate to carbon footprint.


# 561. Vaccine hesitancy

Explore the concept of vaccine hesitancy and the extent to which it is a barrier for HPV vaccination in South Africa. Human Papillomavirus (HPV)


# 565. Waste Management on egg farms

Identify the poultry waste materials produced by commercial egg layer farms, especially pollutants contained in the litter and their disposal procedures.  http://www.ggfjournals.com/assets/uploads/34-37.pdf


# 579. Pro-environmental behaviours within and between Cape Town communities

What pro-environmental behaviours are currently present in Cape Town communities? How do these differ across neighbourhoods and social strata in Cape Town? What are the motivations for adopting these behaviours?


#601.Socio-politics of ‘factory farming’

Document socio-political implications of ‘factory farming’. Consider aspects like Control over food supply & its impact on SA land reform targets; OR Energy consumption of the animal agriculture sector


#603.Environmental impacts of ‘factory farming’

Document the environmental impacts of ‘factory farming’ on e.g. climate change, water pollution or loss of biodiversity; or effects conversion of plant calories and proteins.


# 604. In/humane farming methods

Compile evidence on how factory farming compromises the welfare of farmed animals in Southern Africa.


# 623. Medicine assisted therapies for substance use disorder

Assess the impact and/or affordability of medicine assisted therapy for people who smoke or use alcohol or drugs problematically.


# 626. Mental health in pregnancy

Evaluate the impact of early mental health interventions with pregnant women through a crisis pregnancy counsellor. Consider: coping with depression and suicidal ideation, prevent harming their babies physically/emotionally.


# 637. Social justice for the homeless

Investigate the effect of lacking social justice in responses to the homeless population. Consider issues like policing, housing, substance use, employment or health


# 646. Substance use and refugees

Establish particular triggers for substance use among refugees, the interventions required to address their needs and barriers to access support.


# 685.The community impact of Underdog’s programme

Determine any impact of the Humane dog handling training offered to children on the wider communities where beneficiaries live (families, informal settlements and a primary school in Hout Bay).


# 686. Connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence

Explore the connections between the experience of cruelty to animals and developing violent interpersonal behaviour; and conversely learning humane dog handling and development of non-violent behaviour. Case study of Underdog’s dog handling programme.


# 695. Economics of exporting live farmed animals

Cost-benefit analysis of the expanding trade in the live export of farmed animals for slaughter: benefits to the SA economy vs loss of local jobs and investment in domestic beneficiation chains


# 700. What vegetables to grow?

Consider input costs and efforts vs yield as well as nutritional value of produce to develop a list of ideal vegetables to grow in communal food gardens in Hout Bay.


# 702. Clean-up waste dumping sites

Identify suitable clean-up processes for areas in informal settlements degraded by waste left there over time. Case study: Hout Bay open area between Penzance and Imizamo Yethu  informal settlement.


# 714. Nutrition choices and dietary support for social pensioners

What choices do pensioners make regarding food purchases with their limited budget? What would motivate them to make choices for meals that are more nourishing? Consider cultural differences between Woodstock and Khayelitsha.


# 725. Adolescents and youth living with cancer

Psychosocial and health service needs of adolescents and youth with cancer.


# 741. Ethnic diversity in mental health counselling

Investigate how different ethnic and cultural groups view mental healthcare counselling. Identify language used to inform a healthcare counselling programme for the culturally diverse Cape Peninsula.


# 743. App to assess mental healthcare

Develop a quantitative statistical data collection prototype/application to measure the effectiveness of a mental healthcare programme over time. The application will need to capture exposure to stressors, usage of treatment options, and the resultant quality of life.


# 846. Housing first impact on substance use

To examine the relationship between transitioning from street living to housing and the impact on  substance use and mental health      Housing first is a recovery oriented low entry barrier housing programme. Streetscapes runs 3 facilities for our chronic homeless clients moving off the streets (more than 5 years of homelessness). We collect different types of data from Streetscapes service clients moving into our houses. We have intake questionnaires before moving focusing on reasons for moving, expectations and concerns. These are followed up 6 monthly. We also have monthly housing surveys for clients to give feedback on 13 different aspects of living in our facilities. Quarterly clients give information about their substance use: what they use, frequency of using and volumes. Quarterly anxiety and depression screening.


# 853. Physical Activity, Life skills and Nutrition
Programme (PAL) Impact on Well-being

Explore how PAL affects physical and mental well-being in children and youth. Focus on key health indicators, emotional well-being, fitness, attitudes toward substances, and future prospects of participants.


# 854. Inclusivity in Play on Wheels

Investigate inclusivity and engagement levels of individuals with severe to profound disabilities in the Play on Wheels program. Examine benefits, impact on family/caregiver relationships, and the overall experience for participants.


# 856. Occupational Therapy Outcomes

Assess the effectiveness of occupational therapy in enhancing the daily functioning and well-being of children and youth with specific developmental needs.


 #865. Determinants for help-seeking behaviour

Exploring determinants of help-seeking behaviour for mental health services among the 18-35 age group. implications for tailored marketing and programmatic strategies in the expansion of The Counselling Hub (TCH) activities across South Africa.


#866. Factors influencing volunteering

Analysing factors influencing volunteering at The Counselling Hub (THC) towards enhancing volunteer retention and engagement.





#868. Post-covid preferences

Investigating the motivations behind clients' preference for remote (online) counselling versus face-to-face sessions at The Counselling Hub.


#869. Choosing the Counselling Hub

A comparative analysis of factors influencing clients' selection of TCH over other mental health service providers.


#870. Chronic disease management

Examining community engagement strategies and processes to enhance screening, prevention, and education in chronic disease management for improved healthcare outcomes at the individual patient level.


# 897. Evaluating the Impact of Humane Education and Sustainable Farming in Greyton and Genadendal

To assess the impact of the "Pigs to Plants" initiative and a humane education program, developed by HSI Africa in partnership with Greyton Farm Animal Sanctuary, on the communities of Greyton and Genadendal. Through monitoring and evaluation, the study aims to validate these interventions and support efforts to secure funding for expansion into other regions where HSI Africa operates.


# 913. Resistance to Change in Substance Abuse Recovery Programs

To explore the psychological and social factors contributing to resistance in substance abuse recovery, specifically in the precontemplation and contemplation stages. The study to draw from the MES Change Readiness programme, investigating how motivational techniques influence recovery.


# 915. Understanding Family Resilience in Marginalized Communities

To explore the factors contributing to family resilience in marginalized communities facing social and economic adversity, identifying protective factors that enhance resilience. It could also evaluate the role of community resources and support services in strengthening family resilience and provide recommendations for developing targeted tailoring of interventions.


# 916. Empowering Youth for Positive Futures

Developing an After-School Programme for Cape Town Learners: This project aims to design an after-school empowerment programme tailored to the unique challenges faced by learners in Cape Town, a region significantly affected by gangsterism and social instability. Drawing insights from the Johannesburg MES model, the initiative will adapt its framework to the Cape Town context, focusing on strategies that inspire and equip youth to make positive life choices. By fostering a sense of belonging, resilience, and purpose, the programme seeks to reduce the influence of negative societal factors and promote pathways to a brighter future for young people.


# 921. Mental Health Support for Refugees

A qualitative study exploring the mental health challenges faced by refugees and the availability and effectiveness of mental health support services


# 924. The Impact of Reproductive Health and Period Poverty

To assess the impact of reproductive health challenges and access to sanitary products on disadvantaged girl learners. To investigate various menstrual products and their potential effects on the reproductive system, shedding light on health risks and concerns. To also analyse the prevalence of period poverty and its correlation with school absenteeism and dropout rates, exploring the broader economic and social injustices tied to this issue.


# 927. Documenting the History of NOAH

To provide a comprehensive history of NOAH (Neighbourhood Old Age Homes) origins, development, and evolution of the organisation, covering key milestones. The narrative will highlight NOAH’s adaptation to contemporary challenges and its impact on communities, providing a historical framework for understanding the organisation’s journey.


# 956. Pathways out of homelessness

To explore whether it’s beneficial to use Occupational Therapists and the Theory of Occupation to support pathways out of homelessness?


# 960. Mental Health

To explore the quality and availability of mental health services at the GP level, addressing the stigma and barriers to seeking help for patients in the Cape Flats areas


# 961. Community Involvement

To review the fundamentals of the Alma Ata declaration as it pertains to the role of community participation in primary healthcare, including community health workers and local health initiatives. This research to identify gaps and opportunities for improving primary healthcare services in South Africa.


Category 6: Information Systems / IT


# 740. Build a social media app

Social media application to be linked to iGen platform but built from scratch as opposed to using the existing platform.  The platform language is Javascript i.e. ReactJS using TypeScript (web app). React Native using TypeScript (If building standalone mobile app), NET 6 using C# (backend) and MongoDB (database).


#781. Assessing an IT Skills Training Program 

Evaluating the skills imparted through the Masicorp IT Skills Training program. How do they contribute to students' employability, income enhancement, and other associated advantages? 


# 890. Geo-spatial Data for Ecosystem Restoration

How can integrated geo-spatial data strategies be utilized to strategically develop and monitor ecosystem restoration and adaptation programs, ensuring effective management and real-time adaptive responses?


# 891. AI in Knowledge Management for Sustainability

What is the potential of institutional-wide AI knowledge management systems to enhance organizational capacity and sector development in sustainable development and climate change adaptation?


# 922. Digital Literacy for Refugee Youth

Assessing the impact of digital literacy training on refugee youth and how it enhances their integration and employment opportunities.


Category 7: Science & Engineering


# 604. Inhumane farming methods

Compile evidence on how factory farming compromises the welfare of farmed animals in Southern Africa.


# 629. Impact of spiritual guidance in training

Determine the impacts of including spiritual guidance in the training of farm students. Possible outcomes: finding purpose and direction for their lives, realising that farming is dependent on a Creator.

# 637. Social justice for the homeless

Investigate the effect of lacking social justice in responses to the homeless population. Consider issues like policing, housing, substance use, employment or health


# 638. Assessing a children’s environment programme

Evaluate the 'Children's Resource Centre's'  Environment Programme as a children's rights movement, and the value for the members of the movement.


# 639. Impact of a children’s environment programme

Assess the impact of an Environment Programme on the members of the Children's Movement and their surroundings; and the change in their attitudes and behaviour towards nature/the environment


# 648.“Financially smart kids”

Conduct a longitudinal study of the impact of the “Financially smart kids” groups over time (age 10 years to matric) i.t.o. saving pocket money, budgeting for its use, saving toward post-school aims.


# 683. “Pedestrianising” a busy Obs road

Assess the impact of “pedestrianising” (permanently or periodically) a section of Lower Main Road (LMR) Observatory on businesses, social life, and surrounding roads that will carry diverted traffic. Determine positive and negative spin offs.


# 690. Improved traffic flow from Obs

Assess the potential impact of two proposals (OCA vs COCT) for improving traffic flow out of Observatory on Main Road and Liesbeek Parkway. 


# 692. Impacts of forest restoration

What are the impacts of forest restoration activities on any of these: biodiversity, soil, water, forest ecology and/or or carbon sequestration


# 699. Encourage responsible water use

Identify strategies to encourage responsible water use in communal food gardens; and ways to source water for these in the dry season (context in Imizamo Yethu, Hout Bay).


# 720. Conversion to pedestrian only space in Obs

Explore the feasibility of turning a stretch of Lower Main Road, Observatory, near to the retailers / restaurants / bars into a pedestrian only space for parts of the week. Traffic impact studies to be planned and discussions to take place with stakeholders promoting this intervention based on experience of recent street closures.


# 748. Spatial analysis of forest loss in the Eastern Cape.

Where has indigenous forest loss occurred, and hence, where is forest restoration needed?


# 749. Spatial analysis of invasive tree stands in the Eastern Cape.

Where have invasive tree stands established in previously open areas adjacent to forests and how does this impact the process of forest naturalisation? How does natural regeneration vary across different invasive stands and over time? What determines the composition and spatial patterns of natural regeneration under these invasive stands? What should restoration activities aim to achieve in such invasive stands to optimally facilitate forest regeneration?


# 753. Genetic diversity of milkwood trees.

Investigate the genetic diversity of milkwoods within the Platbos Forest Reserve, as the only propagation observable is asexual.


# 758. Sustainable use of wildlife

Does the doctrine of sustainable use still provide a coherent basis for a national biodiversity conservation strategy, especially in light of the deepening crises of climate change, income and wealth inequality, and the accelerating destruction of biodiversity.


# 808. Impacts of Greenpop’s urban greening projects

What are the impacts of Greenpop’s urban greening projects on ecosystem service provision such as urban biodiversity, mental wellbeing, carbon sequestration, and mitigation of the urban heat island effect?


# 810. Optimising Plant Selection for Urban Greening in Cape Town

Which indigenous plant and tree species exhibit the highest resilience in urban settings (also taking into account PSHB), and how can this knowledge inform future plant selections for urban greening projects?


# 830. Mapping exercise of poultry farms and impact

Mapping the largest poultry farms in South Africa and studying their impact on surrounding area on environment and communities. Consider production waste and/or air & water pollution. Monitoring the air & water pollution of these production areas; possibly the water run-off problem experienced by communities near a new commercial poultry farm in Tulbagh.


#851. Shark bites in Plettenberg Bay

Measure the economic and social impact of two fatal shark bites in 2022 to understand the negative effects and support shark safety programs.


#852. Media portrayal of sharks in South Africa

Analyse how sharks and shark bites are shown in local and national news, considering changes over time, especially during conflicts. Learn how this affects policy and suggest ways to improve public understanding and perception of sharks in the media.


# 885. Forestry Sector Transition and Climate Adaptation

How can the just transition of the forestry sector in the Western Cape, using nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based adaptation, contribute to the regional climate change adaptation strategies? What role does this play in achieving the goals of the Climate Change Bill and the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS) within biodiversity hotspots


# 886. Impacts of Climate Change on Afro-Montane Forests

Impacts of Climate Change on Afro-Montane Forests: What are the trends, impacts, and risks of climate change on Afro-Montane Forest ecosystems and species, and how can ecosystem-based adaptation and restoration models enhance resilience in forestry communities?


# 887. Regenerative Value Chains for Climate Adaptation

What are the potential regenerative value chain development opportunities in the Western Cape that can inform scalable regional strategies for regenerative enterprise development and community-led climate adaptation?


# 888. Cross-sector Networks for Climate Resilience

How can bio-regional cross-sector networks be leveraged to develop and implement regional climate adaptation strategies, and what are the best practices for building knowledge and resilience through pilot projects and demonstration sites


# 889. Bridging Funding Gaps for Climate Action

What strategies can effectively bridge the gap between Global North funding streams and climate action in Southern Africa, and how can sector-wide capacity building enhance collaborative cross-sector development?


# 890. Geo-spatial Data for Ecosystem Restoration

How can integrated geo-spatial data strategies be utilized to strategically develop and monitor ecosystem restoration and adaptation programs, ensuring effective management and real-time adaptive responses?


# 891. AI in Knowledge Management for Sustainability

What is the potential of institutional-wide AI knowledge management systems to enhance organizational capacity and sector development in sustainable development and climate change adaptation?


# 892. Capacity Building for Climate Policy Implementation

What are the national capacity building needs for the successful implementation of the Climate Change Bill, and how can a national strategy support the just transition to a green economy and other commitments like the Paris Accord and BONN challenge?


# 893. Pedagogical Tools for Urban Greening Organizations

What are the most effective pedagogical tools and approaches for equipping South African non-profit organizations in urban greening and sustainability, and how can blended and collaborative learning approaches foster effective knowledge building and cooperation?


# 897. Evaluating the Impact of Humane Education and Sustainable Farming in Greyton and Genadendal

To assess the impact of the "Pigs to Plants" initiative and a humane education program, developed by HSI Africa in partnership with Greyton Farm Animal Sanctuary, on the communities of Greyton and Genadendal. Through monitoring and evaluation, the study aims to validate these interventions and support efforts to secure funding for expansion into other regions where HSI Africa operates.


# 903. Equitable Education Solutions

Research on how Government-philanthropic partnerships in South Africa can play a powerful role in addressing the needs of marginalized learners through actively involving communities and local stakeholders. Through a collaborative approach that focuses on equity, technology, climate resilience, and community empowerment, for such partnerships to create sustainable, impactful solutions.


# 930. A community manual for managing engagement on liquor license applications

To develop a tool for communities to use in civic organising that empowers communities to have a say in the issuing, review and managing of alcohol licenses in Observatory and managing noise complaints. The student would do a needs assessment, identify resources and databases, interview key informants and come up with a small manual toolkit that empowers community organisations to respond appropriately.


# 931. Developing capacity across a diverse ward to manage Land Use and Development applications for Observatory, Salt River, Woodstock and Walmer Estate

The suburbs of Observatory, Salt River, Woodstock and Walmer Estate are areas with rich heritage resources and many environmental challenges. Currently, the civics in the areas rely on overworked volunteers to respond to requests for input on local development applications, many of which impact adversely on the history, heritage and character of these suburbs. The student will work with civics across the ward to develop a common platform for managing development applications efficiently and maximising local resident skills and interest to ensure building and development applications are managed consistent with the heritage of the areas, local needs and environmental conservation.


# 932. Educational Outcomes from SEED's Environmental Education

Exploring how the SEED Outdoor Classroom Program (and experiential learning) can complement the traditional school curriculum.


# 933. Social and Emotional Benefits of Community Gardens

To document the expansion of the Outdoor Classroom Program at Caradale and report back on the impact of the learners, teachers and parents of the school.


# 934. Soil Health in Mitchell's Plain

To explore the impact of organic gardening/permaculture practices on the soil. 


# 939. Stories from the Deep: The Impact of Shark Centre Programmes on Participants

This project is to document the experiences of participants in SOSF Shark Education Centre programmes, capturing their personal stories on film to showcase the transformative impact of these environmental education initiatives. Through interviews and visual storytelling, the project aims to highlight the skills, knowledge, and environmental awareness gained by beneficiaries, providing insight into how the SOSF Shark Education Centre's work fosters a connection to marine conservation and empowers participants to become advocates for ocean health.


# 948. The Role of Community Food Gardens in Promoting Food Security and Social Cohesion: A Pathway to Peace

This research will explore the impact of community food gardens on food security, with a focus on how they contribute to building peace and social cohesion in under-resourced communities. It will examine how these gardens not only provide a sustainable source of food but also serve as spaces for community engagement, empowerment, and collective action.


# 962. Tourism vs. Urban Development

To evaluate the economic impact of tourism at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens compared to the potential revenue if the property had been developed as high-density residential or office buildings. This analysis will offer valuable insights into the long-term economic and social benefits of developing Oude Molen as a landmark destination for public use and profitability, providing critical data to support its future preservation and sustainability.





Category 8: Other


# 511. Establishing a law clinic

What barriers do residents of Langa experience in access to legal advice? What specific legal needs are most common?


# 566. Faith responses to our food systems

Explore how faith communities deal with the ethical, moral, environmental-social-economic issues arising through industrial agriculture and impacting our food systems.


# 572. How do movements of/for the unemployed arise?

What contexts and conditions give rise to movements of/for the unemployed? Consider political, social, economic, historical contexts?


# 573. Opportunities and challenges of informal trading / micro-enterprises for income

What proportion of the unemployed in Cape Town who have tried informal work. Why did they stop? What barriers to making it more profitable? What type is considered appealing or not? 


# 578. School children's relationship with the ocean

What are the potential longer-term impacts an extra-curricular Environmental Education program in Cape Town can have on children's knowledge about, behaviour towards and relationship with the ocean?What has to be in place for this to be realised?


# 601.  Socio-politics of ‘factory farming’

Document socio-political implications of ‘factory farming’. Consider aspects like Control over food supply & its impact on SA land reform targets; OR Energy consumption of the animal agriculture sector


# 629. Impact of spiritual guidance in training

Determine the impacts of including spiritual guidance in the training of farm students. Possible outcomes: finding purpose and direction for their lives, realising that farming is dependent on a Creator.


# 604. In/humane farming methods

Compile evidence on how factory farming compromises the welfare of farmed animals in Southern Africa.


# 673. Perceived value of Shark Spotters programme to beach-goers

Explore public perceptions of the value of the Shark Spotters programme and its activities to its beneficiaries, including monetary (willingness-to-pay) and non-monetary (cognitive attachment and connectedness to program and its objectives).


# 698. Including vegetables in the diet

Identify reasons for the reluctance of residents in Imizamo Yethu, Hout Bay, to include vegetables in the diet and suggest ways to overcome this.


# 737. A database on homelessness aligned with the POPI act

What would it take to develop a citywide database on homelessness? How would this work within the POPI act? How have other cities done this successfully and legally?


#772. Impact on learners' career choices 

To determine whether the Young Biologist (YBs) Course of the Two Oceans Aquarium since 2004, have impacted learners career choices and behaviours. 


# 786. Heritage inventory

Assemble a heritage inventory of heritage resources in the suburb. The City of Cape Town has a listing but there are inaccuracies, and the listing is not user friendly. An updated listing that is accessible to the Obs community on Obs Civic Association website would be helpful. Making the City’s survey more accessible to residents would be a great bonus for the community.


# 789. Report on the nature of housing stock in Observatory (Airbnb; student housing) to guide heritage protection

A report on the nature of housing stock in Observatory (whether Airbnb or student applications) similar to the one developed by the Woodstock Civic would be of great interest and very useful for the civic when engaging on development applications. It would strengthen our hand in protecting heritage resources in the area.     Years back, the City proposed amending its Municipal Planning Bylaws in ways that made Airbnb hires more flexible. The Woodstock Civic Association did a very impressive analysis of the impact of short- and longer-term Airbnb rentals on housing stock (and hence on community cohesion). In Observatory, we have seen many large apartments go up, claiming to be alleviating housing pressure in Cape Town but we know the occupation rates are low and many are bought as business venture to use as Airbnb by individuals or are used by the agents / developers to recoup their investments. Similarly, many developments are claimed to be for student housing but not all end up servicing students. For us, this is highly problematic.


# 798. Ethical entrepreneurship and social responsibility (responsible entrepreneurship)

Examine how South African entrepreneurs integrate ethical values and social responsibility into their business practices. Investigate the impact of socially conscious ventures on communities and sustainable development.


# 807. Exploring the value of heritage trees

What are the benefits of identifying and protecting heritage trees? What economic, social, cultural, etc. value do they provide? How does the focus on a heritage tree species differ from that of an individual champion tree? How does the location, urban vs rural, of the heritage tree(s) impact the value it can produce?


# 814. Literature review

Provide literature on what South African and global social movements are doing around advocacy for decent housing. This work is to be aligned to what the Housing Assembly is trying to do. Also create contact list of partners for future collaboration with Housing Assembly.


# 817. Programme Evaluation

Multi-level evaluation to assess effectiveness of Just Grace programmes in achieving their objectives. Evaluate efficiency of programme implementation, measure impact of iniatives on wellbeing and socio-economic conditions of beneficiaries and identify SWOT analysis of activities.


# 828. Comparative analysis of MOSAIC & similar programmes

To explore lessons learned and best practices for addressing domestic violence in Africa."


# 831. Ocean connection in Cape Town communities

How does the extent of ocean connection vary within and between Cape Town communities? Is there a relationship between ocean connection and the perceived value of the ocean? What are the principal drivers of these?


# 834. Collaborative research paper

Explore and document the successful strategies and approaches employed by Ikamva Youth in their academic after-school programmes through a collaborative research paper.


# 836. Enhancing afterschool programmes

Explore ways to enhance the monitoring, evaluation, and learning processes within Ikamva Youth's afterschool programmes. To have a comprehensive understanding of the programmes impact.